Ecoutez GHOSTS I-IV ici!

mercredi 19 mars 2008

Un projet commun - Annonce

Le projet est excitant, enthousiasmant, mais nous avons besoin de VOUS, de votre talent et de votre motivation!

Que vous soyez infographistes, cameramen/women, scénaristes, éclairagistes, danseurs, acteurs, décorateurs, maquilleurs, stylistes, étudiants, et j'en passe...


La chose vous semble un peu obscure pour l'instant?

Lisez plutôt ceci!

Il y a quelques jours, Trent Reznor, écrivait:

"13 March 2008: film festival
First of all, a sincere THANK YOU for the response to Ghosts. We are all amazed at the reaction for what we assumed would be a quiet curiosity in the NIN catalog. My faith in all of you has been restored - let's all go have coffee somewhere (my treat)!

Today we announce the expansion of the Ghosts project into the visual world. This record began as an experiment with us using sound as a means to describe visuals. Early in the project we thought it would be interesting to see what the community could create / collaborate on as a reaction to the music we were making. We wanted to keep the canvas as blank as possible for you, hence the lack of descriptive song titles and the primarily textural artwork and packaging.
So here's the plan: we've teamed up with YouTube to host a "film festival" around Ghosts. The concept is for you to take whatever tracks you feel inspired by from Ghosts and create what you feel should accompany them visually. You will be able to see all of the submissions, and a team of us (including me) will be sorting through them and setting aside ones we feel are exceptional. Eventually (within a couple of months?) we will present a virtual "film festival" with me and some special guests presenting selections of your work.
This isn't a contest and you don't win elaborate prizes - it's meant to be an experiment in collaboration and a chance for us to interact beyond the typical one-way artist-to-fan relationship. We've discussed some interesting ways this could go, including multiple installments of the online "film festivals," to broadcast TV specials, to a one-time live performance of the entire Ghosts record with your visuals involved. It really depends on how this progresses and develops.
We are all very much looking forward to what you come up with, and hope you enjoy the experience. Visit our YouTube channel for information on how to participate.

posted by Trent Reznor at 10:42 AM pst, from los angeles."

Pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas l'anglais, en résumé :

Trent Reznor, le fondateur du groupe Nine Inch Nails, a lancé le projet de proposer à ses fans (ou autres artistes... ) de mettre en image ce que son dernier album leur inspire. L'album est téléchargeable sur le lien que vous trouverez ci-dessous... Dans, ce cadre, nous avons pensé qu'il serait judicieux de réunir plusieurs personnes qui, même si elles sont novices dans la réa de vidéo, pourraient apporter leur pierre à l'édifice à tout niveau

Il serait IMPENSABLE de passer à côté d'une occasion pareille!


Nous organisons une réunion de brainstorming et de mise en route du projet le VENDREDI 28 MARS à 21h au café LE COQ

"Le Coq"
14 rue Auguste Ortsstraat
1000 Brussel- Bruxelles (près de la Bourse)
infos :


Préalablement à la réunion, il serait judicieux d'écouter le dernier album de NIN que vous pouvez télécharger ici :
De cette façon, vous aurez une idée de la matière à partir de laquelle nous travaillerons... :-)

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